Scaling and Polishing: Essential Dental Cares

Scaling and polishing, often known as teeth cleaning, constitute a fundamental yet critical dental procedure. Despite diligent brushing and flossing, the accumulation of plaque and tartar on your teeth over time can potentially lead to severe gum disease or tooth decay. Regular dental check-ups and cleanings are crucial to avert these oral health concerns.

Scaling: Our advanced ultrasonic scalers play a pivotal role in eliminating plaque and hardened tartar from your teeth. Using ultrasonic vibrations, the scaler effectively dislodges and removes unwanted debris. This approach is notably more efficient than traditional manual scaling.

Polishing: Subsequent to scaling, we perform polishing, which entails the removal of plaque and stains from the tooth surfaces using a rotating polishing cup or brush. This process not only provides a cleaner appearance but also smoothens the tooth's exterior, reducing the likelihood of dirt adhering to it.

In certain cases, after scaling and polishing, your dentist may administer a concentrated fluoride gel in a variety of flavors, such as raspberry, to your teeth. This gel fortifies the teeth against acid produced by oral bacteria, contributing to the prevention of tooth decay.

Why Scaling and Polishing are Essential?

  1. Tartar Removal: While scaling eradicates existing dirt from your teeth, polishing serves to prevent and delay the accumulation of new debris.
  2. Comprehensive Cleaning: It extends beyond the visible tooth surfaces, addressing tartar beneath your gumline.
  3. Enhanced Aesthetics: The removal of stains contributes to a brighter, cleaner smile.
  4. Preventing Tartar Buildup: Polishing ensures a smooth and polished tooth surface, making it more challenging for new tartar to accumulate.
  5. Comfort Assured: If necessary, local anesthesia can be employed to facilitate a painless and comfortable scaling and polishing experience.

Scaling and polishing are not only instrumental in maintaining oral health but also play a significant role in preserving the aesthetics of your smile.